Invisalign Vs. Traditional Braces: Which Is Right For You In Las Vegas?

By Summerlin Smiles

Orthodontics is a dental service that deals with teeth misalignment. In this field, your teeth arrangement will be altered to bring you a confident smile. If you have a distorted tooth structure, then your confidence can be affected. In orthodontics, there are two major types of treatment: braces and invisalign. In this article, we will dive into the difference between Invisalign and braces to understand which one will be the best one for you. 

Invisalign Or Braces: What Is Needed? 

The answer depends on the type of misalignment you have, your budget, and your lifestyle. If you have a severe misalignment, your dentist in Las Vegas NV, can recommend braces. There are several factors why you should choose braces over Invisalign, though Invisalign is comfortable. 

Invisalign vs Braces: Brief comparison

  • Invisalign, also known as clear aligners, is a comfortable set of aligners that are invisible in appearance. These removable aligners shift teeth in a particular direction to align your smile. Conventional braces use metal brackets and wires to hold teeth and move them in a particular direction.
  • Clear aligners are custom-made of smooth plastic and don’t irritate the gum line and cheeks. Conversely, braces can cause injuries to the mouth and cheek.
  • Invisible aligners are more expensive than braces, so if you are having budget problems, then you should go for the braces. 
  • Invisalign is easier to maintain than braces. It is removable, so you can maintain your dental hygiene properly. Braces are non-convenient, so it’s not always easy to remove them to eat and brush. There is a high chance of leftover food debris in the braces. 

Invisalign And Traditional Braces: Understand The Difference

Treatment Duration

Clear Aligners have a maximum treatment length of 12 to 18 months, but this duration depends on the misalignment. If the distortion is more than that, it can take more time. Braces, on the other hand, can extend the treatment period from 18 to 24 months to complete. If your issue is more complex, it can easily take more than 2 years.

Comfort And Appearance

Clear aligners are custom-made, smooth plastic aligners that are in the shape of your teeth, so they won’t hurt your gums and cheeks. They are transparent and invisible, which makes them an excellent choice for maintaining an aesthetic look while undergoing orthodontic treatment. 

Conversely, braces are made of metal brackets that are uncomfortable and require tightening. They are also more visible than Invisalign aligners, so they may not be the right choice if you need a comfortable and seamless orthodontic journey. 

Invisalign Vs Braces: Choose Your Option

You can visit an orthodontist to ask for the right choice. In certain cases, based on your misalignment, your orthodontist can recommend braces over Invisalign. Generally, Invisalign is a far better choice than braces because it’s comfortable and removable. Braces may be an option when you have severe orthodontic issues or budget issues. 

Invisalign and braces are both efficient enough to bring your teeth in proper alignment, but Invisalign has some perks over braces. If you need an aesthetic and comfortable orthodontic journey, then Invisalign is the option for you. The best option is to ask your orthodontist because they can provide proper insight into your teeth condition. In this article, we highlighted the difference between Invisalign and braces and provided valuable insights into your options.